Do You Ever Wonder...The Hallmark Abstract Service Podcast

Do You Ever Wonder About Incredible Success In Real Estate Driven By Social Media? Meet Gogo Bethke!

Michael Haltman/Gogo Bethke Season 3 Episode 10

Gogo Bethke...Marketer extraordinaire in a real estate market that's screaming for creativity and innovation!

Gogo Bethke came to America in 2008 speaking little to no English, in search of the American dream!

In 2011 she fell into becoming a real estate agent, shunning the traditional ways of prospecting for clients that include sending postcards, knocking on doors, and stuffing flyers in mailboxes.

Instead, Gogo chose the path of utilizing social media to grow her footprint and reach. Initially not understanding the use of hashtags, she would meet with local real estate experts for coffee and tag everyone involved including the coffee shop.

From that standing start, the rest is history as Gogo is the #1 social media marketer in Michigan, #16 in the United States, and was on the Success Magazine Top 125 Most Influential People list last year.

With 80,000 Instagram followers, Gogo drives over 1MM+ hits each month, and at EXP Realty she has amassed a Team of more than 1,200 agents nationwide and around the world.

She brings incredible value add to her Teammates with Masterminds, Training Events, Gogos Bootcamp, and more.

Gogo is driven, ambitious, innovative, analytical, generous with her time and knowledge, and an entrepreneur who keeps her eyes on the prize!

For anyone interested in reaching out to Gogo, you can find her on...

Instagram:   / gogosrealestate 

LinkedIn:   / gogobethke 

YouTube:    / @uce1nwirdhtwskk4ez4gtwbg 


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The Do You Ever Wonder podcast is brought to you by New York title insurance provider Hallmark Abstract Service, and hosted by its CEO Mike Haltman.


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